Julia, 2021 © Oliver Schneider
Julia Schiller
Julia Schiller (* 1980, Landshut, Bavaria) currently lives and works as a photographer, publisher and freelance art director in Berlin.
She studied media design, photography and communication management and started her career as an art director in Munich, followed by Athens, Greece, where she lived for a couple of years and worked as a creative director in advertising.
Julia is based in Berlin, Germany since 2006, where she founded the online magazine actualcolorsmayvary.de (.de) in 2010 together with Oliver Schneider. With ACMV they introduced new talents in photography, organized and curated exhibitions & events in Berlin, and participated in international photo festivals. They also run Local Colors May Vary (LCMV) – a series of curated, themed slideshows combining photography with live music by international artists.
Since it was fitting, we decided to use the same name, Actual Colors May Vary {ACMV} (.com) now for our bicycling blog!
Motivated by her passion for photography, Julia founded PiB — Photography in Berlin in spring 2015. PiB is a bilingual (de/en) platform for fine art photography & documentary photography and presents select highlights from Berlin’s versatile photography scene to an international art audience – on PiB’s daily updated website, in the weekly eNewsletter, and in the bi-monthly published printed PiB Guide. In 2023, Oliver joined Julia in running this platform.
In 2017 Julia & Oliver also formed ele studio, via which they offer art direction for print & online, favoring projects in the cultural & social sector.
Julia is a member of Saloon Berlin, the network for female professionals in Berlin’s art scene.
Say hi!
My social media profiles:
My other websites
Formerly my art direction portfolio, now more of an index page to link my misc. projects.
PiB – Photography in Berlin
The photography platform I founded in 2015.
Actual Colors May Vary {ACMV}
The biking blog by Julia Schiller & Oliver Schneider.
Whenever we’re not working on PiB, we’re bikepacking around…
ele studio
The design studio by Julia Schiller & Oliver Schneider